HEAL - Health-oriented Agri-Food Systems Transformation Network

The joint project “HEAL - Health-oriented Agri-Food Systems Transformation Network” aims to establish a health-promoting and sustainable agricultural and food policy. The project is based on the WHO strategy “Health in All Policies”.

The project is coordinated by the University of Heidelberg (Institute for Global Health). Further project partners are the University of Hohenheim and the Stuttgart University of Applied Sciences.

The partners involved are contributing their expertise in the fields of health, politics, agricultural science, computer science, logistics, data analysis and simulation to the project in order to create an interdisciplinary network that will support the transformation of agricultural and food systems.

To develop project concepts, the partners are planning visits to “living labs” and modeling workshops in which, for example, simulations of agricultural and food systems will be carried out. Future European research proposals are to be developed within this network. The overarching goal of the network is to promote cutting-edge research and innovation in Baden-Württemberg in order to enable a fair, sustainable and health-oriented transformation of agricultural and food systems.


01.09.2024 - 31.08.2026

Funding body

Ministerium für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Kunst Baden-Württemberg (MWK) im Rahmen der Initiative „BEGIN – Beteiligung in europäischen Großvorhaben und Initiativen“

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