Services & Offers

During your studies, you will always have questions. That's quite normal. Whether it's about everyday student life with its lectures, seminars and projects or questions about financing and your first job offer after graduation. 

Herman Hollerith Zentrum, the Faculty of Informatics, and the university offer a wide range of services, advice, and support. We always have an open ear. So, if you notice that there is a problem somewhere, don't hesitate to contact us.

You can find useful links and information here. Simply contact us directly with individual questions.

Office Team Assistence

The team assistance office is located in room 128 directly behind the coffee kitchen and is therefore very central to reach for all students. Please come by and we will be happy to answer any questions or concerns.

Google Calender

Here we provide you with your timetables for studying at the HHZ. The ideal companion for planning your lectures, seminars and exercises is the Google Calender. We have integrated all HHZ events into that calender. You can simply access these here or even transfer them directly to your smartphone. 

Opening Hours

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday8:00 am till 12:00 pm

8:00 am bis 12:00 pm




send an e-Mail

Services & Angebote in Reutlingen



Wichtige Plattformen & Portale für Dein Studium

Lernplattform, Prüfungsverwaltung, Intranet und jede Menge weitere Informationen für Studierende.



HHZ Service

At HHZ we have short distances and close contacts. Feel free to contact the deans of studies, our tutors, or our service centers directly.




INF Service

The INF Service is the central service center of the Faculty of Informatics and an important point of contact during your studies. The staff will help you if you need IT or technical support for your studies, such as with:

  • IT equipment
  • Virtual storage
  • Laptop
  • Camera



Bitte beachten:

  • Defekte Geräte bei der Rückgabe melden
  • Akkus und Batterien nach Gebrauch aus den Geräten nehmen
  • Datenträger von Digitalkameras löschen

Zugang zu Laboren:

  • für einige MKI-Labore ohne elektronischen Zugang kann ein Schlüssel beantragt werden
  • Rückgabe erfolgt direkt beim INF_Service oder via Briefkasten vor dem Techniklager



Montag - Freitag: 9:00 Uhr - 11:30 Uhr

Montag - Donnerstag: 13:00 - 16:00 Uhr

Raum: 9-134

Telefon: +49 (7121) 271 - 4080

Reservierungen und Anfragen bitte per Mail an: inf_service@reutlingen-university.de



Career Service