Digital Enterprise Architecture
The Digital Enterprise Architecture research group conducts research with doctoral students and partners from science and industry in Digital Enterprise Architecture. This research is linked with fundamental Internet architectures for services & cloud computing, mobility and big data in the context of collaborative processes for the SmartLife application scenario.
We are dedicated to collaborative research and work on selected innovation topics in the field of Digital Enterprise Architecture & Management, Methods and Technologies. Research in these areas provides an effective contribution to excellent academic teaching and research programs in Services Computing and Digital Business at the Herman Hollerith Zentrum.
The results of our research include a range of innovative architectures, along with associated methods and tools, for high-performance, cutting-edge architectures for integrated businesses with forward-looking information systems. Additionally, we focus on advancing foundational areas such as software engineering and quality management, architecture metamodels, ontologies and semantics-based architectures and information systems, architecture reference models, frameworks and patterns, as well as methods for architecture analytics, architecture optimization, and maturity assessment of architectures.
A list of all current publications of the research group can be found in the university bibliography.
The curriculum includes lectures with integrated research studies and a diverse range of elective courses derived from current research projects.
- Enterprise Architecture & Management
(Master in Information Systems and Master in Services Computing)
TOGAF - The Open Group Architecture Framework, ADM - Architecture Development Method, TOGAF Metamodel, EAM Ontology, IT Governance, Strategy Management, ESARC - Enterprise Services Architecture Reference Cube, Architecture Maturity
- Scientific Working Methods
(Master Business Informatics)
Scientific Analysis and Conceptual Design, Scientific Writing, Scientific Papers and Posters, Scientific Reviews and Reflection, Project Proposal (Exposé) for Projects / Thesis, Scientific Methods and Models, Empirical Research and Evaluation, Scientific Workshops and Creativity
- Scientific Conference
(Master Services Computing)
Scientific Publications and Posters, Review Processes, Scientific Discussion
- Digital Strategy
(Master Digital Business Management)
Business IT alignment, tool support/models for strategy modeling, digital mission and value orientation, digital strategy scenarios, digital business operating model, integration of strategy elements into the digital corporate strategy, strategic goals and key figures, strategic portfolio
- IT Management
(Master Digital Business Management)
Digital transformation of companies, products and services, the digital ecosystem in the interaction of business and IT, basic concepts for digital enterprise architecture, architecture metamodels and ontologies, enterprise architecture governance, information management, digital service management, effects of digital strategies on architecture and governance
- IT Governance & Compliance
(Knowledge Foundation)
Information Management Concepts and Principles, IT Governance and Management, Governance, Risk & Compliance Management, IT Service Management, Business Architecture Model, Strategy Framework, Program, Project and Portfolio Management, Digital Enterprise Architecture
- Mobile App for the Visual Analysis of Enterprise Architectures
Design and implementation of interactive visualizations for analyzing complex structures as a platform-independent app for mobile devices. In practice, tools with traditional visualization capabilities are often used. Modern technologies for implementing interactive visualizations are rare. By developing a prototype, modern forms of visualization for the analysis of enterprise architectures are to be implemented and evaluated.
- COLUMBUS @ planningIT
Columbus-Reisen describes an application scenario of a virtual travel agency for a reference implementation of architecture concepts and relationships of Enterprise Architecture Management models with the EAM tool planningIT. The implementation created serves as a research and experimental environment for reference models and reference architectures of EAM (Enterprise Architecture Management) to be researched.
- ESARC - Reference Model and Ontology for Enterprise Architecture Management (EAM)
A holistic model for the classification of EAM architecture views and viewpoints is to be developed and validated. The following architecture dimensions of EAM are to be supported: Architectural Governance, Architecture Management, Architecture Analytics, Architecture Engineering, Business & Information Architecture, Information Systems Architecture, Technolo
The research group cooperates in the field of research with many research institutions and networks, in particular:
Universität Stuttgart
Universität Rostock
Universität Leipzig
Universität Tübingen
University of West Florida
University oft he West of Scotland
Universität Münster
KIT Karlsruhe
TU München
Hochschule München
HAW Hamburg
Fachhochschule Mainz
The research group has a large number of cooperation partners in business practice. In recent years, cooperation with the following companies has been of particular importance:
Daimler Stuttgart
Capgemini Hamburg und München
T-Systems Stuttgart
Volkswagen Wolfsburg
Audi Ingolstadt
Bosch Stuttgart
IBM Böblingen
HP Böblingen
Telekom Bonn
Deutsche Post Bonn
Deutsche Bahn Berlin
Lufthansa Frankfurt
Software AG Darmstadt
Iteratec München
IT-KMUs aus Region und Deutschland
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