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Prof. Dr.-Ing. Michael Möhring

Data Science

+49 7121 271 4127



Building HHZ, Böblingen, Room 121/2

By appointment (online or in presence)

  • Digital Business
  • Digital Business Engineering

  • Data Science / Big Data
  • Wirtschaftsinformatik
  • BPM
  • Industry 4.0


  • Analyse strukturierter und unstrukturierter Daten
  • BPM/Process Mining/ Industry 4.0

  • Seit 2022 Professor für Data Science an der Fakultät für Informatik, HHZ
  • 2022 Professor an der Ostbayerischen Technischen Hochschule (OTH) Amberg-Weiden
  • 2019-2022 Product Owner, IT-Projectmanager, Bosch Group / BSH
  • Davor IT-Geschäftsführer eines IT-Unternehmens/StartUps, Business Analytics / Machine Learning Spezialist, Wiss. MA für KI-Forschungsprojekte
  • Promotion (Dr.-Ing.), B. Sc. und M.Sc. in Wirtschaftsinformatik

Möhring, M., Keller, B., & Schmidt, R. (2022): Möglichkeiten zur Sicherstellung der IT-Service Resilienz. In IT-Operations in der Transformation. Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden.
Möhring, M., Keller, B., Schmidt, R., Schönitz, F., Mohr, F., & Scheuerle, M. (2022): Analytics in Industry 4.0: Investigating the challenges of unstructured data. In Perspectives in Business Informatics Research: 21st International Conference on Business Informatics Research, LNBIP, Springer.
Möhring, M., Schmidt, R., Keller, B., Sandkuhl, K., & Zimmermann, A. (2020): Predictive maintenance information systems: the underlying conditions and technological aspects. International Journal of Enterprise Information Systems (IJEIS), 16(2), 22-37.
Möhring, M., Keller, B., Schmidt, R., Gutmann, M., & Dacko, S. (2021): HOTFRED: A Flexible Hotel Fake Review Detection System. In Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism. Springer.
Möhring, M., Keller, B., & Schmidt, R. (2019): Datenbasierte Resilienzsteigerung von IT-Services. HMD Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik, 2(56), 345-356.
Möhring, M., Keller, B., Schmidt, R., Rippin, A. L., Schulz, J., & Brückner, K. (2018): Empirical Insights in the Current Development of Smart Contracts. In: Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS), AIS.
Schmidt, R., Möhring, M., & Keller, B. (2017): Customer Relationship Management in a Public Cloud environment–Key influencing factors for European enterprises. In: HICSS, AIS.
Schmidt, R., Möhring, M., Härting, R. C., Reichstein, C., Neumaier, P., & Jozinović, P. (2015): Industry 4.0-potentials for creating smart products: empirical research results. In Business Information Systems, LNBIP. Springer.
Möhring, M., Schmidt, R., Härting, R. C., Bär, F., & Zimmermann, A. (2015): Classification framework for context data from business processes. In Business Process Management Workshops, LNBIP. Springer.
Schmidt, R., Möhring, M., Maier, S., Pietsch, J., & Härting, R. C. (2014): Big data as strategic enabler-insights from central european enterprises. In Business Information Systems, LNBIP. Springer.
Schmidt, R., & Möhring, M. (2013): Strategic alignment of cloud-based architectures for big data. In 17th IEEE International Enterprise Distributed Object Computing Conference Workshops, IEEE.
Möhring, M., Schmidt, R., Maier, S., & Keßler, N. (2013): Big Data-Implikationen für die Betriebswirtschaft. WiSt, 42(8), 456-458.   etc.