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Prof. Dr.-Ing. Michael Möhring
Data Science
+49 7121 271 4127
Building HHZ, Böblingen, Room 121/2
By appointment (online or in presence)
- Digital Business
- Digital Business Engineering
- Data Science / Big Data
- Wirtschaftsinformatik
- Industry 4.0
- Analyse strukturierter und unstrukturierter Daten
- BPM/Process Mining/ Industry 4.0
- Seit 2022 Professor für Data Science an der Fakultät für Informatik, HHZ
- 2022 Professor an der Ostbayerischen Technischen Hochschule (OTH) Amberg-Weiden
- 2019-2022 Product Owner, IT-Projectmanager, Bosch Group / BSH
- Davor IT-Geschäftsführer eines IT-Unternehmens/StartUps, Business Analytics / Machine Learning Spezialist, Wiss. MA für KI-Forschungsprojekte
- Promotion (Dr.-Ing.), B. Sc. und M.Sc. in Wirtschaftsinformatik
Möhring, M., Keller, B., & Schmidt, R. (2022): Möglichkeiten zur Sicherstellung der IT-Service Resilienz. In IT-Operations in der Transformation. Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden.
Möhring, M., Keller, B., Schmidt, R., Schönitz, F., Mohr, F., & Scheuerle, M. (2022): Analytics in Industry 4.0: Investigating the challenges of unstructured data. In Perspectives in Business Informatics Research: 21st International Conference on Business Informatics Research, LNBIP, Springer.
Möhring, M., Schmidt, R., Keller, B., Sandkuhl, K., & Zimmermann, A. (2020): Predictive maintenance information systems: the underlying conditions and technological aspects. International Journal of Enterprise Information Systems (IJEIS), 16(2), 22-37.
Möhring, M., Keller, B., Schmidt, R., Gutmann, M., & Dacko, S. (2021): HOTFRED: A Flexible Hotel Fake Review Detection System. In Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism. Springer.
Möhring, M., Keller, B., & Schmidt, R. (2019): Datenbasierte Resilienzsteigerung von IT-Services. HMD Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik, 2(56), 345-356.
Möhring, M., Keller, B., Schmidt, R., Rippin, A. L., Schulz, J., & Brückner, K. (2018): Empirical Insights in the Current Development of Smart Contracts. In: Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS), AIS.
Schmidt, R., Möhring, M., & Keller, B. (2017): Customer Relationship Management in a Public Cloud environment–Key influencing factors for European enterprises. In: HICSS, AIS.
Schmidt, R., Möhring, M., Härting, R. C., Reichstein, C., Neumaier, P., & Jozinović, P. (2015): Industry 4.0-potentials for creating smart products: empirical research results. In Business Information Systems, LNBIP. Springer.
Möhring, M., Schmidt, R., Härting, R. C., Bär, F., & Zimmermann, A. (2015): Classification framework for context data from business processes. In Business Process Management Workshops, LNBIP. Springer.
Schmidt, R., Möhring, M., Maier, S., Pietsch, J., & Härting, R. C. (2014): Big data as strategic enabler-insights from central european enterprises. In Business Information Systems, LNBIP. Springer.
Schmidt, R., & Möhring, M. (2013): Strategic alignment of cloud-based architectures for big data. In 17th IEEE International Enterprise Distributed Object Computing Conference Workshops, IEEE.
Möhring, M., Schmidt, R., Maier, S., & Keßler, N. (2013): Big Data-Implikationen für die Betriebswirtschaft. WiSt, 42(8), 456-458. etc.
Möhring, Michael
2025 | |
Möhring, Michael; Keller, Barbara; Bierhals, Daniel (2025): The usage of language models for human assistance in production failure root cause analysis. - In: Human centred intelligent systems : proceedings of KES-HCIS 2024 conference. - (Smart innovation, systems and technology ; 414). - Singapore : Springer. - S. 39-49. - ISBN: 978-981-97-8597-1. - DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-97-8598-8_5 | BibTeX | RIS DOI |
2024 | |
Keller, Barbara; Möhring, Michael; Augenstein, Friedrich (2024): Data analytics as a service – challenges and opportunities. - In: Informatik 2024: Lock-in or log out? Wie digitale Souveränität gelingt, 24.-26. September 2024, Wiesbaden, proceedings (Lecture Notes in Informatics; vol. 352). - Bonn : Gesellschaft für Informatik. - S. 1481-1489. - ISBN: 978-3-88579-746-3. - DOI: https://doi.org/10.18420/inf2024_128 | BibTeX | RIS DOIURN |
Zanger, Michael; Schulz, Alexander; Grodmeier, Lukas; Agaj, Dion; Schindler, Rafael; Weiss, Lukas; Möhring, Michael (2024): HollerithEnergyML : a prototype of a machine learning energy consumption recommender system. - In: Informatik 2024: Lock-in or log out? Wie digitale Souveränität gelingt, 24.-26. September 2024, Wiesbaden, proceedings (Lecture Notes in Informatics; vol. 352). - Bonn : Gesellschaft für Informatik. - S. 1519-1523. - ISBN: 978-3-88579-746-3. - DOI: https://doi.org/10.18420/inf2024_132 | BibTeX | RIS DOIURN |
Möhring, Michael; Keller, Barbara (2024): Nutzung von unterschiedlich strukturierten Daten zur Fehleranalyse in Produktionsbetrieben: Eine prototypische Beispielimplementierung. - In: HMD : Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik - 20 S. - DOI: https://doi.org/10.1365/s40702-023-01037-0 | BibTeX | RIS DOIURN |
Greger, Katharina; Möhring, Michael (2024): Technical debt : insights into a manufacturing SME case study. - In: Perspectives in Business Informatics Research : 23rd International Conference on Business Informatics Research, BIR 2024 Prague, Czech Republic, September 11–13, 2024 Proceedings. - Cham : Springer Nature. - S. 191-206. - ISBN: 978-3-031-71333-0. - DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-71333-0_13 | BibTeX | RIS DOI |
2023 | |
Caputo, Francesco; Keller, Barbara; Möhring, Michael; Carubbo, Luca; Schmidt, Rainer (2023): Advancing beyond technicism when managing big data in companies’ decision-making. - In: Journal of knowledge management 27 (10). - S. 2797-2809. - DOI: https://doi.org/10.1108/JKM-10-2022-0794 | BibTeX | RIS DOI |
Möhring, Michael (2023): Digital twins in production: the integration of semi- and unstructured data. - In: Proceedings of the 13th Conference on Learning Factories (CLF 2023), 9-11 May 2023, Reutlingen. - Rochester, NY : Elsevier. - S. 1-5. - DOI: https://doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.4469903 | BibTeX | RIS DOIURN |
Möhring, Michael; Keller, Barbara; Schmidt, Rainer; Sandkuhl, Kurt; Zimmermann, Alfred (2023): Digitalization and enterprise architecture management: a perspective on benefits and challenges. - In: SN business & economics 3 (2). - S. 1-21. - DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s43546-023-00426-3 | BibTeX | RIS DOIURN |
2022 | |
Möhring, Michael; Keller, Barbara; Schmidt, Rainer; Schönitz, Fabian; Mohr, Frederik; Scheuerle, Max (2022): Analytics in industry 4.0: investigating the challenges of unstructured data. - In: Perspectives in business informatics research : 21st International Conference on Business Informatics Research, BIR 2022, Rostock, Germany, 21-23 September 2022, proceedings - ( Lecture notes in business information processing ; 462). - Berlin : Springer. - S. 113-125. - ISBN: 978-3-031-16947-2. - DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-16947-2_8 | BibTeX | RIS DOI |
2021 | |
Zimmermann, Alfred; Schmidt, Rainer; Sandkuhl, Kurt; Jugel, Dierk; Schweda, Christian; Möhring, Michael; Keller, Barbara (2021): Conceptualizing artificial intelligence-based service ecosystems. - In: Advances in the human side of service engineering : proceedings of the AHFE 2021 Virtual Conference on The Human Side of Service Engineering, July 25-29, 2021, USA (Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol. 266). - Cham : Springer. - S. 377-384. - DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-80840-2_43 | BibTeX | RIS DOI |
2020 | |
Zimmermann, Alfred; Schmidt, Rainer; Jugel, Dierk; Möhring, Michael (2020): Evolution of enterprise architecture for intelligent digital systems. - In: Research challenges in information science : 14th International Conference, RCIS 2020, Limassol, Cyprus, September 23–25, 2020, Proceedings. - Cham : Springer. - S. 145-153. - ISBN: 978-3-030-50315-4. - DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-50316-1_9 | BibTeX | RIS DOI |
Sandkuhl, Kurt; Zimmermann, Alfred; Schmidt, Rainer; Jugel, Dierk; Möhring, Michael (2020): Managing the architecture complexity of intelligent digital systems. - In: Proceedings of the workshops co-organized with the 13th IFIP WG 8.1 working conference on the Practice of Enterprise Modelling (PoEM 2020), Online, 26 November 2020. - (CEUR workshop proceedings ; 2749). - Aachen : RWTH Aachen. - S. 114-126. - URL: http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2749/paper10.pdf | BibTeX | RIS URN |
Möhring, Michael; Schmidt, Rainer; Keller, Barbara; Sandkuhl, Kurt; Zimmermann, Alfred (2020): Predictive maintenance information systems: the underlying conditions and technological aspects. - In: International journal of enterprise information systems : IJEIS 16 (2). - S. 22-37. - DOI: https://doi.org/10.4018/IJEIS.2020040102 | BibTeX | RIS DOI |
Schmidt, Rainer; Zimmermann, Alfred; Keller, Barbara; Möhring, Michael (2020): Towards engineering artificial intelligence-based applications. - In: 2020 IEEE 24th International Enterprise Distributed Object Computing Workshop (EDOCW), proceedings, Eindhoven, Netherlands, 5 October 2020. - Piscataway, NJ : IEEE. - S. 54-62. - ISBN: 978-1-7281-6471-7. - DOI: https://doi.org/10.1109/EDOCW49879.2020.00020 | BibTeX | RIS DOI |
Schmidt, Rainer; Zimmermann, Alfred; Möhring, Michael; Keller, Barbara (2020): Value creation in connectionist artificial intelligence – a research agenda. - In: AMCIS 2020 proceedings - Advancings in information systems research : August 10-14, 2020, Online. - Atlanta, GA : Association for Information Systems. - S. 1-10. - ISBN: 978-1-7336325-4-62020. - URL: https://aisel.aisnet.org/amcis2020/ai_semantic_for_intelligent_info_systems/ai_semantic_for_intelligent_info_systems/14 | BibTeX | RIS URN |
2019 | |
Zimmermann, Alfred; Schmidt, Rainer; Sandkuhl, Kurt; Jugel, Dierk; Bogner, Justus; Möhring, Michael (2019): Architecting service-dominant digital products. - In: Evaluation of novel approaches to software engineering : 13th International Conference, ENASE 2018, Funchal, Madeira, Portugal, March 23-24, 2018 : revised selected papers. - Cham : Springer. - S. 45-67. - ISBN: 978-3-030-22559-9. - DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-22559-9_3 | BibTeX | RIS DOI |
Zimmermann, Alfred; Schmidt, Rainer; Sandkuhl, Kurt; Jugel, Dierk; Bogner, Justus; Möhring, Michael (2019): Decision-oriented composition architecture for digital transformation. - In: Intelligent decision tecnhologies 2018 : proceedings of the 10th KES International Conference on Intelligent Decision Technologies (KES-IDT 2018) - (Smart innovation, systems and technology ; 97). - Cham : Springer. - S. 109-119. - ISBN: 978-3-319-92027-6. - DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-92028-3_11 | BibTeX | RIS DOI |
Schmidt, Rainer; Keller, Barbara; Möhring, Michael; Zimmermann, Alfred (2019): Potentials of smart contracts-based disintermediation in additive manufacturing supply chains. - In: New frontiers in digital convergence : AMCIS 2019 Cancún, México : August 15-17. - Atlanta, GA : Association for Information Systems. - S. 1-5. - ISBN: 978-0-9966831-8-0. - URL: https://aisel.aisnet.org/do/search/?q=Schmidt%2C%20Rainer&start=0&context=14822329&facet= | BibTeX | RIS |
Möhring, Michael; Keller, Barbara; Schmidt, Rainer; Zimmermann, Alfred (2019): Revenue management information systems for small and medium-sized hotels : empirical insights into the current situation in Germany. - In: Intelligent decision techologies 2018 : proceedings of the 10th KES International Conference on Intelligent Decision Technologies (KES-IDT 2018) - (Smart innovation, systems and technology ; 97). - Cham : Springer. - S. 120-127. - ISBN: 978-3-319-92027-6. - DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-92028-3_12 | BibTeX | RIS DOI |
Schmidt, Rainer; Möhring, Michael; Sandkuhl, Kurt; Zimmermann, Alfred (2019): Social paradigms for reducing process modeling cost. - In: Innovation in medicine and healthcare systems, and multimedia : proceedings of KES-InMed-19 and KES-IIMSS-19 conferences. - Cham : Springer. - S. 393-405. - ISBN: 978-981-13-8565-0. - DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-13-8566-7_37 | BibTeX | RIS DOI |
2018 | |
Zimmermann, Alfred; Schmidt, Rainer; Sandkuhl, Kurt; Jugel, Dierk; Bogner, Justus; Möhring, Michael (2018): Decision-controlled digitization architecture for Internet of Things and microservices. - In: Intelligent decision technologies 2017 : proceedings of the 9th KES International Conference on Intelligent Decision Technologies (KES-IDT 2017). - Part II. - (Smart innovation, systems and technologies ; 73). - Cham : Springer. - S. 82-92. - ISBN: 978-3-319-59424-8. - DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-59424-8_8 | BibTeX | RIS DOI |
Schmidt, Rainer; Möhring, Michael; Keller, Barbara; Zimmermann, Alfred; Toni, Martina; Di Pietro, Laura (2018): Digital enterprise architecture management in tourism : state of the art and future directions. - In: Intelligent decision technologies 2017 : proceedings of the 9th KES International Conference on Intelligent Decision Technologies (KES-IDT 2017). - Part II. - (Smart innovation, systems and technologies ; 73). - Cham : Springer. - S. 93-102. - ISBN: 978-3-319-59424-8. - DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-59424-8_9 | BibTeX | RIS DOI |
Schmidt, Rainer; Möhring, Michael; Zimmermann, Alfred (2018): Dynamic capabilities of decision-oriented service systems. - In: International journal of information systems in the service sector : IJISSS 10 (3). - S. 41-63. - DOI: https://doi.org/10.4018/IJISSS.2018070103 | BibTeX | RIS DOI |
Zimmermann, Alfred; Schmidt, Rainer; Sandkuhl, Kurt; Jugel, Dierk; Bogner, Justus; Möhring, Michael (2018): Evolution of Enterprise Architecture for digital transformation. - In: 2018 IEEE 22nd International Enterprise Distributed Object Computing Workshop, 16-19 Oct. 2018. - Piscataway, NJ : IEEE. - S. 87-96. - DOI: https://doi.org/10.1109/EDOCW.2018.00023 | BibTeX | RIS DOI |
Zimmermann, Alfred; Schmidt, Rainer; Bogner, Justus; Jugel, Dierk; Möhring, Michael (2018): Software evolution for digital transformation. - In: ENASE 2018 : proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering : Funchal, Madeira, Portugal, March 23-24, 2018. - Volume 1. - Setúbal, Portugal : SciTePress. - S. 205-212. - ISBN: 978-989-758-300-1. - DOI: https://doi.org/10.5220/0006815702050212 | BibTeX | RIS DOI |
2017 | |
Zimmermann, Alfred; Schmidt, Rainer; Sandkuhl, Kurt; Jugel, Dierk; Bogner, Justus; Möhring, Michael (2017): Decision management for micro-granular digital architecture. - In: 2017 IEEE 21st International Enterprise Distributed Object Computing Conference workshops - EDOCW 2017 : 10-13 October 2017, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada : proceedings. - Piscataway, NJ : IEEE. - S. 29-38. - DOI: https://doi.org/10.1109/EDOCW.2017.14 | BibTeX | RIS DOI |
Zimmermann, Alfred; Schmidt, Rainer; Sandkuhl, Kurt; Jugel, Dierk; Bogner, Justus; Möhring, Michael (2017): Multi-perspective digitization architecture for the Internet of Things. - In: Business Information Systems Workshops : BIS 2016 international workshops, Leipzig, Germany, July 6-8, 2016, revised papers. - (Lecture notes in business information processing ; 263). - Cham : Springer. - S. 289-298. - ISBN: 978-3-319-52464-1. - DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-52464-1_26 | BibTeX | RIS DOI |
Zimmermann, Alfred; Schmidt, Rainer; Sandkuhl, Kurt; Jugel, Dierk; Bogner, Justus; Möhring, Michael (2017): Open integration of digital architecture models for micro-granular systems and services. - In: Digital Enterprise Computing (DEC 2017) : July 11 - 12, 2017, Böblingen, Germany. - Bonn : Gesellschaft für Informatik. - S. 37-47. - ISBN: 978-3-88579-666-4. | BibTeX | RIS URN |
Schmidt, Rainer; Möhring, Michael; Bär, Florian; Zimmermann, Alfred (2017): The impact of digitization on information system design : an explorative case study of digitization in the insurance business. - In: Business information systems workshops : BIS 2017 international workshops, Poznán, Poland, June 28-30, 2017, revised papers. - (Lecture notes in business information processing ; 303). - Cham : Springer. - S. 137-149. - DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-69023-0_13 | BibTeX | RIS DOI |
2016 | |
Zimmermann, Alfred; Schmidt, Rainer; Jugel, Dierk; Möhring, Michael (2016): Adaptive enterprise architecture for digital transformation. - In: Advances in service-oriented and cloud computing : workshops of ESOCC 2015, Taormina, Italy, September 15 - 17, 2015, revised selected papers. - (Communications in computer and information science ; 567). - Cham : Springer. - S. 308-319. - ISBN: 978-3-319-33313-7. - DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-33313-7_24 | BibTeX | RIS DOI |
Zimmermann, Alfred; Jugel, Dierk; Sandkuhl, Kurt; Schmidt, Rainer; Schweda, Christian; Möhring, Michael (2016): Architectural decision management for digital transformation of products and services. - In: Complex systems informatics and modeling quarterly 6 - S. 31-53. - DOI: https://doi.org//10.7250/csimq.2016-6.03 | BibTeX | RIS DOIURN |
Zimmermann, Alfred; Schmidt, Rainer; Jugel, Dierk; Sandkuhl, Kurt; Schweda, Christian; Möhring, Michael; Bogner, Justus (2016): Decision case management for digital enterprise architectures with the Internet of Things. - In: Intelligent decision technologies 2016 : proceedings of the 8th KES International Conference on Intelligent Decision Technologies (KES-IDT 2016). - part II. - Cham : Springer. - S. 27-37. - ISBN: 978-3-319-39627-9. - DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-39627-9_3 | BibTeX | RIS DOI |
Zimmermann, Alfred; Bogner, Justus; Schmidt, Rainer; Jugel, Dierk; Schweda, Christian; Möhring, Michael (2016): Digital enterprise architecture with micro-granular systems and services. - In: Joint proceedings of the BIR 2016 workshops and doctoral consortium co-located with 15th International Conference on Perspectives in Business Informatics Research (BIR 2016), Prague, Czech Republik, September 14 - 16, 2016. - (CEUR workshop proceedings ; vol. 1684). - Aachen : RWTH Aachen. - 10 S. - URL: http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1684/ | BibTeX | RIS URN |
Schmidt, Rainer; Zimmermann, Alfred; Möhring, Michael; Nurcan, Selmin; Keller, Barbara; Bär, Florian (2016): Digitization - perspectives for conceptualization. - In: Advances in service-oriented and cloud computing : workshops of ESOCC 2015, Taormina, Italy, September 15 - 17, 2015, revised selected papers. - (Communications in computer and information science ; 567). - Cham : Springer. - S. 263-275. - ISBN: 978-3-319-33313-7. - DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-33313-7_20 | BibTeX | RIS DOI |
Zimmermann, Alfred; Schmidt, Rainer; Sandkuhl, Kurt; El-Sheikh, Eman; Jugel, Dierk; Schweda, Christian; Möhring, Michael; Wißotzki, Matthias; Lantow, Birger (2016): Leveraging analytics for digital transformation of enterprise services and architectures. - In: Emerging trends in the evolution of service-oriented and enterprise architectures. - (Intelligent systems reference library ; 111). - Cham : Springer. - S. 91-112. - ISBN: 978-3-319-40564-3. - DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-40564-3_6 | BibTeX | RIS DOI |
Schmidt, Rainer; Möhring, Michael; Zimmermann, Alfred; Härting, Ralf-Christian; Keller, Barbara (2016): Potentials of Image Mining for business process management. - In: Intelligent decision technologies 2016 : proceedings of the 8th KES International Conference on Intelligent Decision Technologies (KES-IDT 2016). - Part II. - Cham : Springer. - S. 429-440. - ISBN: 978-3-319-39627-9. - DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-39627-9_38 | BibTeX | RIS DOI |
2015 | |
Schmidt, Rainer; Möhring, Michael; Härting, Ralf-Christian; Reichstein, Christopher; Zimmermann, Alfred; Luceri, Sandro (2015): Benefits of enterprise architecture management – insights from European experts. - In: The Practice of Enterprise Modeling : 8th IFIP WG 8.1. Working Conference, PoEM 2015, Valencia, Spain, November 10-12, 2015, Proceedings. - Cham : Springer. - S. 223-236. - ISBN: 978-3-319-25897-3. - DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-25897-3_15 | BibTeX | RIS DOI |
Möhring, Michael; Schmidt, Rainer; Härting, Ralf-Christian; Bär, Florian; Zimmermann, Alfred (2015): Classification framework for context data from business processes. - In: Business Process Management Workshops : BPM 2014 International Workshops, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, September 7-8, 2014, Revised Papers. - Cham : Springer. - S. 440-445. - ISBN: 978-331-91589-5-2. - DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-15895-2_37 | BibTeX | RIS DOI |
Zimmermann, Alfred; Jugel, Dierk; Schmidt, Rainer; Schweda, Christian; Möhring, Michael (2015): Collaborative decision support for adaptive digital enterprise architecture. - In: Joint Proceedings of the BIR 2015 Workshops and Doctoral Consortium (BIR-WS 2015), Tartu, Estonia, August 26-28, 2015 : CEUR workshop proceedings ; 1420. - Aachen : RWTH Aachen. - S. 24-35. - URL: http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1420/ | BibTeX | RIS URN |
Zimmermann, Alfred; Schmidt, Rainer; Sandkuhl, Kurt; Wißotzki, Matthias; Jugel, Dierk; Möhring, Michael (2015): Digital enterprise architecture - transformation for the Internet of Things. - In: 19th IEEE International Enterprise Distributed Object Computing Conference workshops, EDOCW 2015 : 22-25 September 2015, Adelaide, Australia : proceedings. - Piscataway, NJ : IEEE. - S. 130-138. - ISBN: 978-1-4673-9331-7. - DOI: https://doi.org/10.1109/EDOCW.2015.16 | BibTeX | RIS DOI |
Zimmermann, Alfred; Schmidt, Rainer; Sandkuhl, Kurt; Jugel, Dierk; Möhring, Michael; Wißotzki, Matthias (2015): Enterprise architecture management for the internet of things. - In: Digital Enterprise Computing (DEC 2015) : June 25-26, 2015, Böblingen, Germany. - Bonn : Gesellschaft für Informatik. - S. 139-150. - ISBN: 978-3-88579-638-1. - URL: http://subs.emis.de/LNI/Proceedings/Proceedings244/article9.html | BibTeX | RIS URN |
Zimmermann, Alfred; Schmidt, Rainer; Jugel, Dierk; Möhring, Michael (2015): Evolving enterprise architectures for digital transformations. - In: Digital Enterprise Computing (DEC 2015) : June 25-26, 2015, Böblingen, Germany. - Bonn : Gesellschaft für Informatik. - S. 183-194. - ISBN: 978-3-88579-638-1. - URL: http://subs.emis.de/LNI/Proceedings/Proceedings244/article10.html | BibTeX | RIS URN |
Schmidt, Rainer; Möhring, Michael; Härting, Ralf-Christian; Zimmermann, Alfred; Heitmann, Jan; Blum, Franziska (2015): Leveraging textual information for improving decision making in the business process lifecycle. - In: Intelligent Decision Technologies : Proceedings of the 7th KES International Conference on Intelligent Decision Technologies (KES-IDT 2015). - Cham : Springer. - S. 563-574. - ISBN: 978-331-91985-7-6. - DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-19857-6_48 | BibTeX | RIS DOI |
Schmidt, Rainer; Zimmermann, Alfred; Möhring, Michael; Jugel, Dierk; Bär, Florian; Schweda, Christian (2015): Social-software-based support for enterprise architecture management processes. - In: Business Process Management Workshops : BPM 2014 International Workshops, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, September 7-8, 2014, Revised Papers. - Cham : Springer. - S. 452-462. - ISBN: 978-331-91589-5-2. - DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-15895-2_39 | BibTeX | RIS DOI |
2014 | |
Bär, Florian; Schmidt, Rainer; Möhring, Michael; Zimmermann, Alfred; Jugel, Dierk (2014): A configuration-management-database driven approach for fabric-process specification and automation. - In: Meersman, Robert (Hrsg.): On the move to meaningful internet systems: OTM 2014 workshops : proceedings ; Amantea, Italy, October 27 - 31, 2014. - Berlin : Springer. - S. 202-209. - ISBN: 978-366-24555-0-0. - DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-662-45550-0_21 | BibTeX | RIS DOI |
Zimmermann, Alfred; Sandkuhl, Kurt; Schmidt, Rainer; Jugel, Dierk; Wisotzki, Matthias; Möhring, Michael (2014): Adaptive digitale Enterprise Architekturen für Big Data und Cloud-Systeme. - In: Informatik 2014 : Big Data - Komplexität meistern ; Tagung der Gesellschaft für Informatik, 22. - 26. September 2014 in Stuttgart, Deutschland. - Bonn : Gesellschaft für Informatik. - S. 417-428. - ISBN: 978-3-88579-626-8. - URL: http://subs.emis.de/LNI/Proceedings/Proceedings232/article81.html | BibTeX | RIS URN |
Zimmermann, Alfred; Schmidt, Rainer; Möhring, Michael; Härting, Ralf-Christian; Graule, Andreas; Schwarzer, Marius; Goßen, Kristian (2014): Datenzentrierte Unternehmensarchitekturen im Bekleidungseinzelhandel. - In: Informatik 2014 : Big Data - Komplexität meistern ; Tagung der Gesellschaft für Informatik, 22. - 26. September 2014 in Stuttgart, Deutschland. - Bonn : Gesellschaft für Informatik. - S. 405-416. - URL: http://subs.emis.de/LNI/Proceedings/Proceedings232/article55.html | BibTeX | RIS URN |
Schmidt, Rainer; Möhring, Michael; Wißotzki, Matthias; Sandkuhl, Kurt; Jugel, Dierk; Zimmermann, Alfred (2014): Towards a framework for enterprise architecture analytics. - In: 2014 IEEE 18th International Enterprise Distributed Object Computing Conference workshops and demonstrations (EDOCW 2014) : Ulm, Germany, 1 - 2 September 2014. - Piscataway, NJ : IEEE. - S. 266-275. - ISBN: 978-1-4799-5468-1. - DOI: https://doi.org/10.1109/EDOCW.2014.47 | BibTeX | RIS DOI |