The alumni network of HHZ
The alumni of the Herman Hollerith Teaching and Research Center are represented as shapers of digital transformation in large and medium-sized companies. The impulses of alumni from corporate practice are also an important source for the further development of research and teaching at HHZ itself.
HHZ was opened in October 2013 as a teaching and research center of the Faculty of Informatics at Reutlingen University. In the meantime, the center has qualified several hundred graduates as experts and specialists for digital transformation. HHZ works closely with the alumni network and forms a lively partnership. This benefits students, who can already become part of this community during their studies. Our alumni regularly exchange ideas with students, give tips on professional career development and help to establish contacts. Networking is an essential building block for professional success.
The following activities from the alumni network are currently being implemented:
Recruiting: Partner companies of HHZ where alumni are employed offer job and project opportunities.
Events: Inviting alumni as speakers and guests at annual events and conferences at HHZ.
Social media: Networking via HHZ's LinkedIn platform.
You are not yet registered as an HHZ alumni in our newsletter? Then write us an email at info@hhz.de and we will be happy to invite you to future events in our network.